moster gästbloggar! haha

Hi everyone,
It is nice to be here! I am actually visiting Sofie and I am going to stay at her place for the rest of the week. Arrived here today. I just got som light here so now I can see what I am writing! Anyway tomorrow I will go to Uddevalla where I have applied for a job. Please cross your fingers for me! The rest of the week I will look after Johan and Sofie and my role here is to act as the worst nannie ever...he he...maybe you should cross your fingers for them as well....
This is me....oh now...oh yes....this is me....
Take care!
Talk to you again soooooon......he he

Kommentarer !
Skrivet av: Anonym

Vad kul att du var med i Dagens blogg!

Den är nu avslutad, gå in och se om det var du som vann eller anmäl dig igen till dagens blogg om du vill ha en ny chans att vinna tusentals fler besökare! :) .

Lycka Till!

kram Bea

2011-05-03 @ 09:16:20
Skrivet av: lisa

det är ju likt moster Birgitta på pricken!!!

2011-05-04 @ 19:20:25

Kommentera här:)

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